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Roasting Gas Oven – 25kg

$134.00 + GST

L 85cm D 55cm H 50cm

Please note: Gas Bottle is not included with oven and is hired separately

The roasting gas oven works similarly to a fan-forced oven. The burner is at the rear of the firebox and the heat rises and rolls around the food. With the movement of heat rising at the back and rolling down at the front, the hottest cooking area inside the unit is the front area on the rack closest to where the roaster opens.

Do not place food directly over the burner, as your food could burn in direct heat. The fat dripping onto the flame could also cause smoke and flare-ups.

The use of double-up racks enables two-tiered cooking, increasing your cooking space. The temperature is hotter on the higher rack therefore the food will cook slightly quicker.

The roaster can reach 200 degrees Celsius in 3 minutes, so there is no need to preheat. The cooking capacity of the 2-rack roaster is about 50kg.

Cooking Times (approx.)

Allow longer if food is frozen. For easier cleaning, use roasting dishes.

 Food Approx. Size Cooking Time
Whole Pig 40kg 4-5 Hours
Whole Lamb 20kg 3.5 Hours
Whole Turkey 7.5kg 2-3 Hours
Whole Snapper 8-9kg 1-1.5 Hours
Pork, Rumps etc. Various 4-5 Hours
Vegetables N/A Approx. 1 Hour



Early ordering recommended (at least 21 days prior) to ensure stock availability. We will make contact to suggest an alternative where items are not available. No wear & tear fees.