Parquetrey Panels – Indoor Dance Floor
$17.20 + GST
- Delivery only
No party is complete without dancing.
So let us help you get your wedding, engagement or any special event off to the right start with the best product for your needs. Contact our team for advice regarding the size and type of flooring to suit your special event needs
This timber dance floor comes in 1m2 pieces with edging, which means it is customisable in size – 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, 6×4, 3×4 etc…
It is recommended that Salters Hire install this floor given its large weight and specialist nature – please ask us to quote based on your desired size.
The best Dance Floor available for Hire.
Early ordering recommended (at least 21 days prior) to ensure stock availability. We will make contact to suggest an alternative where items are not available. No wear & tear fees.